About Us

Welcome to Voyage Junkie, your ultimate companion in the world of travel exploration! Based in the vibrant city of Bangalore, Karnataka, India, we are passionate about inspiring fellow wanderers to embark on unforgettable journeys.

Our Story

At Voyage Junkie, we believe that travel is not just a destination; it's a transformative experience. Our journey began in the heart of Bangalore, where a group of travel enthusiasts came together to share their love for exploration and discovery. We are not just a travel blog; we are a community of like-minded individuals who crave adventure and value the beauty of diverse cultures.

Our Mission

Empowering Your Wanderlust: Our mission is to empower you to explore the world, whether you're a seasoned globetrotter or a first-time traveler. We curate content that caters to all types of travel, from exotic destinations to off-the-beaten-path adventures.

Adventure Awaits: If you're a thrill-seeker, we've got you covered with adrenaline-pumping experiences and daring escapades. Our guides are crafted to inspire and assist you in embracing the spirit of adventure.

Budget-Friendly Bliss: Discover the art of low-cost travel with our practical tips and hacks. We understand that every journey doesn't need to break the bank, and we're here to show you how to make the most of your budget without compromising on the experience.


What Sets Us Apart

Authenticity: We don't just write about places; we immerse ourselves in the culture and essence of each destination. Our firsthand experiences and authentic storytelling bring our content to life, providing you with genuine insights.

Community-Centric: Voyage Junkie is not just a blog; it's a community. Join our tribe of fellow explorers and share your stories, tips, and recommendations. Together, we create a network that fosters a love for travel and a sense of belonging.


Connect With Us

Ready to dive into a world of endless possibilities? Connect with us on social media and become a part of the Voyage Junkie family. Let's embark on this incredible journey together!

Follow Us:


  • Facebook: facebook.com/voyagejunkie


  • Instagram: instagram.com/voyagejunkie


  • Twitter: twitter.com/voyagejunkie


Thank you for choosing Voyage Junkie as your travel companion. Let the adventures begin!


Happy Travels, 

Voyage Junkie Team




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